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Compatible Devices

Windows PC Version

(Windows 8.1 and above)

*Requires an internet connection and compatible GS-911 device

GS-911wifi Utilities for MAC and Windows

These applications are used to register your new GS-911wifi, configure the Wifi settings, check for software updates and find devices on your local wifi network.

Compatible Devices

Windows PC Wifi Utility

(Windows 7 SP1 and above)

Compatible Devices

Mac OS X Wifi Utility

(OS X 10.8 and Above)

GS-911wifi Launcher for iOS and Android

These applications are used to find GS-911wifi devices on your local wifi network.

Compatible Devices

Compatible Devices

legacy GS-911 PC software downloads for windows

Downloading the GS-911 software for Windows PC is easy! Just download the GS-911downloader, run it and follow the prompts!

Compatible Devices

Windows PC Version

(Windows 7 SP1 and above)

*Requires an internet connection and GS-911 device

Legacy GS-911 bluetooth software for Android and BlackBerry

Downloading the GS-911 apps for Android and BlackBerry is easy too. Just download the GS-911downloader, run it and it will open a browser window from where you can download the mobile app. A yellow GS-911 bluetooth interface is required.

If you do not know how to install an Android app from a file, it is easier from the Google Play Store here.

Compatible Devices

Mobile Versions

(BlackBerry, Android manual installation)

*GS-911Blu required (Bluetooth version)

*Requires an internet connection and GS-911 device

The GS-911 Downloader is a Windows PC application and does NOT run on Android or BlackBerry!

Compatible Devices

Mobile Versions

*GS-911Blu required (Bluetooth version)